The X-Man Custom Metalworks LLC


custom metalworks LLC
215 Aberdeen Dr
Algonquin, IL 60102

INSTRUCTIONS:Please complete this form as completely and accurately as possible. It will help speed up the processing of your order and avoid errors in completing the work on your frames. Please fill out a separate form for each set of frames you wish to have serviced and print a copy of each form by clicking the "Print This Form" button at the bottom of the page. Include the printed form(s) along with your frames in the shipment. Thank you.
Customer Information
First Name
E-Mail Address
Shipping address
Last Name
Oakley Forum User Name
Phone Number (required)
State or Province   Postal Code
PayPal Email Address

Frame type to be serviced:
Romeo Juliet Mars Penny XX Romeo 2 Half-X X-Squared Other:
Current Colorway:
Serial Number (if present):    Preserve serial number upon refinishing?: Yes    No

Service(s) Required:

Nose bridge tightening (includes new earstem washers if needed)
Blast refinish (plasma or x-metal finish only)
         Choose Finish: Plasma    X-Metal
Tune Up/Blast package special - Nose bridge tightening and blast refinish
         Choose Finish: Plasma    X-Metal
Custom color finish (max. 2 colors - contact The X-MAN for color availability)
         Specify Colors: Color 1
                               Color 2
Include LineGear Rubber Kit (Juliet Only) Black
New Orbital Screws (2x)
How did you hear about The X-Man Customs?
Additional Instructions or comments:
Price (USD)




Shipping: (if shipping multiple frames, select on one form only)

Turnaround time on tune-ups is always same day and refinishing is always less than a week.
Once your order has been finished by The X-Man and is ready to ship,
he will invoice you directly through PayPal at the address provided above

Please do not ship via any service that requires a signature upon receipt.